Some projects _
- 2025An all-in-one productivity web application to help keep your days in order! Spun up with Next.js, Supabase, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, zod, & deployed with Vercel.
- 2025A super sleek and clean website template just for you! Put together with Next.js, Content Collections, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, zustand, & deployed with Vercel.
- 2024 - 2025A multilingual and multi-themed platform featuring coding practice questions across various topics. Built with Next.js, Next-Intl, JavaScript, Tailwind CSS, & deployed with Vercel.
- A fully functional e-commerce store built with users in mind! Leveraging modern web teb technologies like Next.js,Stripe, Sanity, JavaScript, Tailwind CSS, & deployed with Vercel.
- A cutting-edge, server-side rendered blog designed by developers, for developers. Built with the Astro Framework, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, & deployed with Vercel.
- The place to be for full-time streamer and content creator, Sway Bae. Created using Next.js, Sanity, JavaScript, Tailwind CSS, daisyUI, & deployed with Vercel.
- A simple and professional ATS friendly resume template and more using the likes of Next.js, JavaScript, MDX, Tailwind CSS, & deployed with Vercel.
- A powerful, user-friendly tool designed to help you create stunning websites effortlessly! Powered by Next.js, Sanity, JavaScript, Tailwind CSS, & deployed with Vercel.
- 2023 - 2024My first portfolio / website / whatever you would like to call it. Powered by Next.js, JavaScript, Tailwind CSS, shadcn/ui, & deployed with Vercel.
- 2023 - 2024My personal blog I created as an attempt to write a little more. Spun up by the new Next.js, Sanity, JavaScript, Tailwind CSS, shadcn/ui, & deployed with Vercel.
- 2023A nice and simple gallery of copy-and-paste buttons for seamless use. Built with Next.js, JavaScript, Tailwind CSS, & deployed with Vercel.
- An aestheticlly pleasing (not ATS compliant) resume template using the powers that are Next.js, Typescript, Tailwind CSS, Material-Tailwind, & deployed with Vercel.
- 2023An intuitive movie search engine offering everything you would expect from a comprehensive movie database. Built with Angular, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, & more.
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